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A Decidedly Outrageous Sex Tape


Sex Tape Movie Review

Sex Tape is an over-the-top comedy. After accidently sharing a video of them having sex, Jay (Jason Segel) and Annie (Cameron Diaz) desperately try to retrieve all the iPads that they have given to their relatives and acquaintances so that none will be able to see their sexual escapades. I found myself laughing hysterically at the many improbable situations in which the couple find themselves.

Humor here is somewhat crass and will appeal only to those who are nonjudgmental. If you are one who seeks rationality in everything shown on-screen then Sex Tape is an absolute no-no for you. Does the thought of seeing a man run wildly in someone’s house searching for an iPad and in the process being attacked by a dog while his wife is snorting cocaine seem farfetched? If so, then it is well-advised that you keep away from this movie since many such highly unlikely scenarios keep cropping up during its course. On the other hand, if you find the above incident has the potential to make you chuckle, you will probably find Sex Tape anywhere between mildly to extremely amusing.

Considering that Sex Tape has a wafer-thin storyline, the lead actors have done a reasonably good job. Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz are effective as the hyperactive and madcap duo who manage to evoke laughter. The supporting cast add to the commotion and frenzy of the plot.

I would recommend that you watch Sex Tape with your partner rather than going solo as that would be much more fun. Keep your thinking cap at home, and you will not be disappointed. However, if you intend to watch a meaningful movie that also makes you laugh, I am afraid that Sex Tape isn’t the right choice at all.

If you do happen to watch this movie, you will likely end up debating over which scenes in the movie you found the most outrageously funny. Not bad for a movie that doesn’t take itself seriously nor does it expect anyone to do so.

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