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Noah Review – A Second Chance?


Noah Film Review

Noah captures your imagination right from the start to the finish. It is not a perfect adaptation of the Bible as some portions of the story are made-up. God chooses Noah (Russell Crowe) to undertake the building of a great vessel. He must protect and transport the chosen few, mainly animals, during the flood that is going to wipe out everything on the planet. After this God proposes to start afresh minus humans in it.

Naameh (Jennifer Connelly), Noah’s wife, goes along with her husband without objecting what he is doing as it is the will of God. But, as the story progresses, she does get possessive about her children, and she wants them to have a prosperous future. This however, is against the dictate of God to Noah, namely, all of humanity must perish and only the animals would start a fresh life.

Noah’s three sons and his adopted daughter, Ila (Emma Watson) also help their father in his task, but later on when it is revealed to them that even they must die, they rebel against him. Will Noah be able to carry out the work that is entrusted to him? Well, that is revealed only during the finale of the movie.

Noah has been directed by Darren Aronofsky. He makes most of the incredible cast that is at his disposal, including the likes of Russell Crowe and Anthony Hopkins among others. The scenes are grand, and they transport the audience to the Earth as it was back in Noah’s day. The sound effects are powerful even as they never detract the viewer from the story.

Russell Crowe stands out with his sublime performance as Noah. Playing Noah’s wife, Jennifer Connelly also deserves a mention. She plays her part quite superbly. The story is evenly paced, and the viewers will not find it one bit boring. There are going to be admirers of this movie, and there will be those who will not agree entirely with what is depicted. However, Noah is meant to be an engrossing film and no more. The viewer who goes with an open mind to the theater will enjoy the movie the most.

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